15. ULLAGE REPORT (Automatic Position of Cargo Tanks in the Ullage Report)

This program calculates the weight of products (ULL21FO) or crude oils (ULL21CO) or lubricating oils (ULL21LO). In metric tons by using automatic position of cargo tanks in the Ullage Report i.e. if you commence working on cargo tank n. 3C (N.3 Centre tank) the program put all calculations effected in the ullage report in line 3C or in line 2P (2 Port) or in line 4S (4 stbd.).If your vessel has 21 cargo tanks or less, you can use this program.

The program starts asking you the name of cargo tank i.e. 3C, or 4P, or 5S and if you input for example 4P, the calculation for cargo tank n. 4 Port will be printed in line 4P of your ullage report.

If You are working for Lube-Oils you can use the program ULL21LO; for products ULL21FO and for crude oils the program ULL21CO; ASTM used are as follows:

All products
Tables 53B/54B/56 e TAV.3
Crude Oils only
Tables 53A/54A/56 e Tav. 3
Lube-Oils only
Tables 53D/54D/56 e Tav. 3

The program give the result in metric tons and long tons; volumes in cubic metres.

If you need volumes in Barrels or in U.S. Gallons you can click in the following programs:


The program starts with a get ready calculation and you can see all calculation effected by striking always the RETURN KEY on your keyboard. You can change get ready inputs data with your new inputs and when you switch off your computer, all data inputs appear again when you switch it on. This procedure is very important to restrict time of all inputs data in the next calculation.